Digital Scanning & Document Management For Schools & Districts
We provide digital conversion solutions to schools and school districts so you can convert transcripts, student records, school board minutes, student billing, HR records, and more. We offer unique solutions for paper and microfilm conversions, including traditional scanning projects, scanning and importing into your existing content management system, and Digital ReeL. As a document management solutions provider for educational instituitions, we work with schools, school districts, and trade schools to enhance department collaboration and streamline student services. Our secure offerings help your staff become more efficient and focus more resources on student achievement instead of record management.
Digital Solutions:
Additional Information
If you’re looking for some more information to help you along your digital conversion decision journey, below are some recommendations:
“How Much Microfilm And Microfiche Do I Have?” gives you a couple of methods of figuring out how much film, fiche, and aperture cards you have in your collection.
“Traditional Microfilm Conversion vs. Digital ReeL” is a comparison between a standard film scanning project (PDFs, TIFs, etc.) and our Digital ReeL solution.
“How Does A Microfilm Conversion Project Work?” briefly illustrates the process we use to run a microfilm scanning project. There’s an infographic for an easy-to-read visual.
Case Study | Jackson Local Schools, OH
“After evaluating the product with our records, we determined that Digital ReeL was the right solution. It was the most affordable option we found that met our requirements.”
– George Woods | District Technology Facilitator