
Our Microfilm articles are designed to provide you with useful information for microfilm scanning and digitization projects.

On-site vs. Off-site Scanning & Digitization

Should you have your records digitized on-site (at your office) or sent off-site (to a scanning company's facility)? Before jumping into a decision, consider the various factors including transportation, cost, speed of the project, and available resources.

2024-01-16T11:42:35-08:00May 4th, 2021|Document Management, Microfilm, Paper, Security|

The BMI Microfiche Scanning Process

Do you have microfiche records you want to scan and are curious about how it's done? Our 11-step microfiche scanning process will show you how we convert your physical microfiche collection to digital files, covering tracking, preparation, scanning, digital delivery, and more.

2024-01-16T11:42:46-08:00April 20th, 2021|Document Management, Microfilm|

How Long Will A Microfilm Scanning Project Take?

Deciding to scan your microfilm is a big step forward, but how long does a microfilm scanning project take? Learn the timeline factors that affect a project, including quantity and type of microfilm, indexing requirements, and project complexity. We also detail three projects as examples.

2024-01-16T11:40:38-08:00April 6th, 2021|Document Management, Microfilm|

Digitization Is Not A Magic Bullet

Digitization can be a game-changer for your organization and create incredible data effectiveness and employee productivity. But it's not a magic bullet. Read about the 5 myths and 6 benefits of digitization to guarantee the success of your digital conversion project.

2024-01-16T11:33:12-08:00February 9th, 2021|Document Management, Microfilm, Paper, Security|

The BMI Milestone 1 Proof Of Concept Process: Building, Testing, & Refining Your Digital Conversion Project

Successfully completing a digital conversion project requires upfront effort, hard work, and a good dose of smarts. Our 3-phase Milestone 1 Proof of Concept process ensures that your project is built correctly, tested to ensure workability, and refined to get you the result you need.

2024-01-16T12:12:03-08:00January 12th, 2021|Document Management, Microfilm, Paper|
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