
Mastering The Mega-Scan: How to Effectively Digitize 100,000 Microfilm Rolls For A Court System

Take a look at how we helped a court system digitize 100,000 microfilm rolls! We give you the background, discuss logistics, obstacles, and how we made it a success.

2025-03-15T09:32:22-07:00March 18th, 2025|Document Management, Microfilm, Security|

Handling Historic Archives: What You Need To Know Before You Digitize

Digitizing your archives can be a crucial step to preserving the history and data of your organization, but it can also be overwhelming to people not familiar with the process. In this article we’ll describe some key steps to digitizing historic archives so you walk away knowing how to move forward.

2025-01-02T07:09:55-08:00January 7th, 2025|Document Management, Microfilm, Paper, Security|

Who Has Access To Your Records During A Scanning Project?

Knowing who has access to your records during a digital scanning project is vital to a well-crafted plan. Learn about the different parts of a digitization project and how to evaluate your scanning vendor.

2024-12-03T11:57:05-08:00December 10th, 2024|Document Management, Security|

Mastering Large-Scale Microfiche Scanning: Key Considerations for Success

What makes a “large” microfiche scanning project different than a standard project? Learn about microfiche scope considerations, costs, logistics, and more to help you navigate your way to a successful result.

2024-11-08T07:13:54-08:00November 12th, 2024|Document Management, Microfilm|
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