How To Dispose Of Microfilm
Wondering how you can dispose of your microfilm collection? Take a look at some of the options available to you to get rid of your records.
Wondering how you can dispose of your microfilm collection? Take a look at some of the options available to you to get rid of your records.
When you're figuring out which way you want to scan your paper records to an electronic format, consider the Digital Box method. You get a simple and effective way to digitize your files.
Looking for a way to host your digital records? See how our Digital ReeL application stores your documents and the security methods used to protect them.
Do you have a small collection of microfiche you want scanned but don't know what it'll cost? Take a look at the services we provide, the general price of your project, and other information to help you decide if scanning your microfiche is right for you!
Paper scanning generally falls into two main categories: backfile and go-forward. Learn the similarities and differences between the two, and which you should do first.
When you digitize your hard copy records, it's important to consider the historical context of the original material so important information isn't lost. Learn various ways to capture the original historical context of your records while enjoying the immense benefits of digitization.
When you decide to digitize your microfiche collection, the last thing you want to happen is it gets derailed by something that could’ve been avoided. Check out these 3 mistakes to avoid in your microfiche scanning project.
Do you have a small collection of microfilm you want to scan but aren’t sure what the process is like for a project of this size? We have a special 6-step microfilm scanning process that we use for small projects so we can efficiently scan and process your records!
Getting ready to start a paper scanning project? Learn 4.5 ways to lower your scanning price including boxing your own records and simplifying your indexing.
Do you have questions about aperture card scanning? Here are some frequently asked questions that we answer for you, including "how long will my aperture card scanning project take?" and "what's the aperture card scanning process?"