Document Management

Whether you’re starting a new digital conversion project or are in the middle of one right now, our Document Management posts will give you some tips to make your project successful.

Digitization & The Importance of Historical Context

When you digitize your hard copy records, it's important to consider the historical context of the original material so important information isn't lost. Learn various ways to capture the original historical context of your records while enjoying the immense benefits of digitization.

2024-01-16T11:49:09-08:00December 28th, 2021|Document Management|

Now What? After The Digital Conversion Project

Once you're done with your digital conversion project and have your digital files in hand, what's next? Our article will lay out your options, such as keeping them on a USB drive, importing them on a shared application, or utilizing Digital ReeL secure hosting. We’ll give you the pros and cons of each method so you can choose the best option for your situation.

2024-01-16T11:50:20-08:00October 5th, 2021|Document Management|

How Long Will An Aperture Card Scanning Project Take?

Choosing to scan your aperture cards is a big decision, but how long does an aperture card scanning project take? Learn some timeline factors that will affect your project, including the quantity and type of cards, Hollerith vs. standard indexing, and the project's combined specifications. Three example projects are also illustrated.

2024-01-16T11:46:16-08:00September 21st, 2021|Document Management, Microfilm|
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