
Our Microfilm articles are designed to provide you with useful information for microfilm scanning and digitization projects.

Records Scanning vs. Records Storage

Are you debating between scanning your hard copy records and putting (or keeping) them in storage? Read our article that compares the two solutions and decide which is best for you. We include 4 example scenarios to help you make sense of the options.

2024-01-16T11:15:00-08:00July 28th, 2020|Document Management, Microfilm, Paper, Security|

Large-Scale Microfilm Scanning Projects: What To Look For & How To Begin

Do you have a large collection of microfilm, microfiche, or aperture cards? It can be overwhelming wondering how to start a digitization project, so check here to learn what to look out for and how to begin.

2024-01-16T11:06:47-08:00March 25th, 2020|Microfilm|

Other Uses For Digital ReeL: Augmenting Your Current Records Management System

Do you already have an electronic records management system in place at your company? If you do, Digital ReeL might not make sense as a primary application. But you can still get the full benefit of Digital ReeL by using it as a virtual archive for specific types of material (such as microfilm), a backup disaster recovery dataset, and as a QA tool.

2024-01-16T11:07:03-08:00March 3rd, 2020|Document Management, Microfilm, Security|

How To Choose The Right Microfilm Scanning Partner

When you want to scan your microfilm, you’re comparing two options: scanning the film yourself or working with a scanning company. In our post are some items to help you figure out how to choose the right microfilm scanning partner, should you decide to go in this direction!

2024-01-16T11:07:40-08:00January 2nd, 2020|Microfilm|

CJIS Digital Scanning

Does your agency handle, access, and process criminal justice information? Do you know what’s required of you to properly handle CJI? Learn what CJIS and CJI means, understand what you should be doing to properly handle criminal justice information, and find partners to help you scan your records into a digital format.

2024-01-11T07:37:57-08:00December 4th, 2019|Document Management, Microfilm, Paper, Security|
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